Danger's Blog, Cancun Casa,Living on Isla Time
In a Little Cafe on the Other Side of the Border, a Virtual Visitor's Blog on Cancun

May 2009
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The Fear is Gone, Cancun Cleared for International Travel
Filed under: Cancun Casa Blog, Cancun Tourism, Is Cancun Safe, Cancun Swine Flu/AH1N1
Posted by: Dangers @ 7:30 pm

  Somebody sound the all clear, the fear is gone, with a few sweeps of the pen, foreign communities across the globe are issuing the all clear for Cancun and the rest of Mexico regarding international travel. Today, Canada, still sleepy from a long weekend joined the U.S., the UK, Switzerland, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador and a host of other nations in the removal of the non essential travel warnings and advisories posted regarding Mexico. In an amazing turnabout in the swine flu craze, despite the obvious widespread world outbreak of  “novel H1N1″, and the World Health Organization never recommending a non essential international travel warning, the nation states of planet Earth maddeningly issued said warnings and advisories that are now being widely rescinded. We would like to think there was some method behind the madness, other than the typical bureaucratic wag the dog mentality but we’re very hard pressed to do so.

  As it is, we’ve some updating to do on Cancun and the rest of Mexican Caribbean and now seems as good a time as any to crank up the week that was and the week ahead. So please read on, follow the bouncing bullets, and we’ll try and get us all up to speed on the week ahead and the week that was. We’ll lead off with the major news updates for both travelers and locals alike;

(Courtesy of WWW.Cancun.Travel)

 If we missed something you think is important, please feel free to pass it along and we’ll add it to the blog for this past week and the week ahead. The mood in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean appears to be on the positive side, especially with the non essential travel warnings lifted from the U.S., UK, Canada and the official announcements of the Cruise Ship operators that Cozumel and Majahual’s ports will once again be scheduled for stops.

The horizon has been defeated by the pirates of the new age….
