Danger's Blog, Cancun Casa,Living on Isla Time
In a Little Cafe on the Other Side of the Border, a Virtual Visitor's Blog on Cancun

October 2024
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Cancun Week in Review: Been Away, Haven’t Seen You in a While…
Filed under: Cancun Casa Blog, Cancun Tourism, Is Cancun Safe, Island Sounds, Cancun Swine Flu/AH1N1
Posted by: Dangers @ 8:56 am

Been away, haven’t seen you in a while…How’ve you been…

 In truth this blog’s writer has been on a bit of hiatus for a week or so due to some of life’s trials and tribulations, regular followers of the blog will note the loss of a dear friend of ours, Carney, in the blog below this, while we’ve been dealing with some other serious issues as well. As the old adage states, when it rains, it pours, and life’s been dealing us quite a soaking lately. However, it has occurred to us via the thoughts of the more intelligent of the sexes, my wife, that we live to write and write to live here, and I had better get back to writing before I start waxing poetically about country songs, old hunting dogs and pick-up trucks. Though, I might send you a sawbuck if you picked up on the song and verse in the blog title.

 Well, what about Cancun you say, you came here to read about Cancun, Mexico or some such thing, to ease your mind, dream of Caribbean Beaches and mist about breezy palm trees while drowning in Pina Coladas in the sun drenched land of the Maya, amongst the ancient pyramids of the gods, with pterodactyls aloft overhead, before partying with the moon to the techno buzz of Cancun nights. Well, hell, we’ve got that too, why didn’t you say so… ;-)

Cancun, the Week in Review:

(Courtesy of Cancun.travel)

We’ll leave you with one of our favorites in the Island Collection, a YouTube video by rodopchanka featuring the music of Enya doing “Caribbean Blue”. This is one of those laid back beautiful songs that echoes the Caribbean video footage attached, enjoy.


The Fear is Gone, Cancun Cleared for International Travel
Filed under: Cancun Casa Blog, Cancun Tourism, Is Cancun Safe, Cancun Swine Flu/AH1N1
Posted by: Dangers @ 7:30 pm

  Somebody sound the all clear, the fear is gone, with a few sweeps of the pen, foreign communities across the globe are issuing the all clear for Cancun and the rest of Mexico regarding international travel. Today, Canada, still sleepy from a long weekend joined the U.S., the UK, Switzerland, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador and a host of other nations in the removal of the non essential travel warnings and advisories posted regarding Mexico. In an amazing turnabout in the swine flu craze, despite the obvious widespread world outbreak of  “novel H1N1″, and the World Health Organization never recommending a non essential international travel warning, the nation states of planet Earth maddeningly issued said warnings and advisories that are now being widely rescinded. We would like to think there was some method behind the madness, other than the typical bureaucratic wag the dog mentality but we’re very hard pressed to do so.

  As it is, we’ve some updating to do on Cancun and the rest of Mexican Caribbean and now seems as good a time as any to crank up the week that was and the week ahead. So please read on, follow the bouncing bullets, and we’ll try and get us all up to speed on the week ahead and the week that was. We’ll lead off with the major news updates for both travelers and locals alike;

(Courtesy of WWW.Cancun.Travel)

 If we missed something you think is important, please feel free to pass it along and we’ll add it to the blog for this past week and the week ahead. The mood in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean appears to be on the positive side, especially with the non essential travel warnings lifted from the U.S., UK, Canada and the official announcements of the Cruise Ship operators that Cozumel and Majahual’s ports will once again be scheduled for stops.

The horizon has been defeated by the pirates of the new age….


Tourist Zones Up To 26 Times Safer In Mexico Than U.S.A.?
Filed under: Cancun Tourism, Is Cancun Safe
Posted by: Dangers @ 6:58 pm

This one’s a press release of interest from the folks at ReMax Mexico…

New research by RE/MAX Investment
Properties comparing homicide rates in the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico
shows that Mexican tourist zones are much safer than those in the
U.S.A. and many tourists are probably safer on vacation in Mexico than
when on vacation or living at home.”

(PRWEB) April 16, 2009 — New homicide rate research released today by Mexican real estate (http://www.investmentpropertiesmexico.com/)
agency, RE/MAX Investment Properties, indicates that major tourist
zones in Mexico are up to 26 times safer than some tourist zones in the

•    The Mexican state of Baja California Sur - location of tourist
zones Los Cabos, La Paz and Loreto - has a homicide rate 26 times lower
than Orlando, 18 times lower than Miami, 17 times lower than West Palm
Beach, 12 times lower than Tampa and half that of Honolulu.

•    The Mexican state of Quintana Roo - location of tourist zones
Cancun and the Riviera Maya - has a homicide rate 14 times lower than
Orlando, 10 times lower than Miami, 9 times lower than West Palm Beach,
6 times lower than Tampa and lower than that of Honolulu.

The study looks at homicide rates for the first 3 months of 2009 in 15
Mexican states and compares them with the average 3 month homicide
rates for 18 cities in the U.S.A. and 9 cities in Canada in 2007 and

The figures also show that Mexican tourist zones are even safer when
the homicide rate is compared with major cities in the U.S.A. and
Canada, where many tourists to Mexico have their homes.

For example, Baja California Sur has a homicide rate 39 times lower
than Washington D.C., 19 times lower than Houston, 17 times lower than
Dallas, 7 times lower than the city of New York and 3 times lower than

Gary Almedal, Broker at RE/MAX Investment Properties, said, “We knew
Mexico’s tourist areas were safe, but our homicide rate research really
put things in perspective. Many tourists are probably safer on vacation
in Mexico than when on vacation or living at home.”

As President Obama visits Mexico, RE/MAX Investment Properties hopes
that the research will help overcome the recent representation in some
media of Mexico as a violent country all over.

The new study shows most violence in Mexico is restricted to isolated
zones in Chihuahua, Guerrero and U.S. border areas. Mexico’s biggest
tourist areas remain a paradise for vacationers.

Notes to Editors:

•    The research used the most recent official government statistics
available for the USA and Canada and recent national newspaper
statistics for Mexico.

•    The number of homicides per million population for the 3 months
January to March 2009 in Mexico was compared with the average number of
homicides per million population per 3 months in 2008* in the U.S. and
2007 in Canada. (* Except Washington D.C. where 2007 figures were used
due to unavailability of comparable data for 2008.)

•    RE/MAX Investment Properties is an independently owned and
operated real estate agency in the Riviera Maya, Mexico. They
specialize in finding unique investment property opportunities in

Statistical Limitations:

•    Since the Mexican data relies on newspaper reports it may
underestimate the number of homicides. Even taking this into account,
the Mexican tourist zone homicide rates are still considerably lower
than those in many tourist zone and cities in the USA.

•    The study only looked at homicide rates, not other forms of
violent crime, so only represents one measure of safety for any given

•    Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law
enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence.

•    The population statistics for the USA and Canada are for 2007 and
for Mexico for 2005. Differences in the years and changes in population
may have an effect on homicide rates.

•    See the Appendix below for full statistics.

Data Sources:

USA            FBI                        http://www.fbi.gov

Mexico        Excelsior Newspaper        http://www.exonline.com.mx

Canada        Statistics Canada            http://www.statcan.gc.ca

Populations for Mexico for 2005. Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía http://www.inegi.org.mx

For more information contact:

Ian F. Campbell, Marketing, RE/MAX Investment Properties, Mexico.

Email: press(at)investmentpropertiesmexico.com    Cell: +34-693-246-997.

Web: http://www.investmentpropertiesmexico.com

See full data tables in the attached PDF version of this press release or on RE/MAX Investment Properties real estate news (http://www.investmentpropertiesmexico.org/) site.


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US and UK Consuls In Yucatan Recommend Cancun to Visitors: Video
Filed under: Cancun Casa Blog, Cancun Tourism, Is Cancun Safe
Posted by: Dangers @ 4:27 pm

Representatives from the State Departments of the United States and United Kingdom recommend Cancun to Visitors in Video Courtesy of Cancun.Travel, the official travel site for the government of Mexico. The videos are in obvious response to the negative, often irresponsible foreign, predominantly U.S., media reports lambasting the country in general over its continuing war with drug cartels. The majority of incidents are occurring along the border with the U.S., and in this case, almost 1400 miles from Cancun, which remains relatively safe as does most of Mexico.

Currently, it’s estimated that over one million Americans already live in Mexico and more are continuing to flock there for a variety of reasons.  Millions of others vacation and visit Mexico each year from the U.S alone and do so without fear of harm and safety issues.

“Many Americans Moving to Mexico in Search of the American Dream”

But enough from me, watch the videos and read the link article above to find out for yourselves, the videos also include first hand accounts from recent tourists.


Courtesy of Cancun.Travel, the Official Travel Site of Cancun, Mexico.

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