Danger's Blog, Cancun Casa,Living on Isla Time
In a Little Cafe on the Other Side of the Border, a Virtual Visitor's Blog on Cancun

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Speculation Continues on Tourist Death, Julia Howard Case; ITN Video, Por Esto in Cancun
Filed under: Cancun Casa Blog, Cancun Tourism, Missing: Julia Howard
Posted by: Dangers @ 11:44 am

 Today, ITN, in a YouTube Video (below), partially, courtesy of the Attorney General’s Office of Quintana Roo, somewhat graphic in nature (editor’s warning), is reporting on the Julia Howard story and the now, considerable speculation from Howard’s family members, that given the condition and age of the Julia Howard that it would be difficult to comprehend how her remains were found upwards of three miles from her last known location, if she had walked there herself before succumbing to natural elements.

 Por Esto newspaper in Cancun, Mexico is also reporting the story as somewhat incredulous to logic to presume the Scottish grandmother wandered that far into a dense tropical mangrove forest given the swamp like conditions and speculates that the body may have been “dumped” there. http://www.poresto.net/quintana-roo/46801-conjeturas-por-julia-howard

 Julia Howard disappeared while on vacation with several family members from the secluded Moon Palace Resort and Hotel in Cancun, Mexico on June 16, 2009 and her remains were discovered on a local ranch on July 22, 2009 amongst the tropical mangrove forest, south of the resort. Authorities in Cancun are currently performing a forensic investigation as to the cause of death and the events leading up to it. The Quintana Roo Attorney General has dismissed murder as a probable cause in an earlier press conference.

Link to ITN Video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq9SCw3ThHg&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fdangers.cancuncasa.com%2Fblog_admin%2Fwp-admin%2Fpost.php%3Faction%3Dedit%26post%3D87&feature=player_embedded

2 Responses to “Speculation Continues on Tourist Death, Julia Howard Case; ITN Video, Por Esto in Cancun”

  1. Cynthia Scheepstra Says:
    My heart goes out to this family. I certainly feel Mrs. Howard was murdered. She most likely saw something she should not have seen and they kept her there, with that poor family searching for their mother. She may have very well starved to death, but it would be at the hands of the resort personnel. She was then dumped out in the swamp. The Mexican government is so corrupt and they want the easiest answer to blame crimes on the family. I know this from personal experience. My husband went missing while on a fishing trip to Xcalak, Mx on April 11th,. The whole thinking down there is no body no crime. Someone abducted my husband,probably because HE saw something he should not have as well. Mexico is a horrible place, full of corruption and you can not trust anyone of authority to help you.
  2. Dangers Says:
    Cynthia~ first off, thank you for stopping by and sharing your story, our best wishes for a positive resolution of some type. I’ve read of your husband’s strange disappearance in the past and certainly amongst the most mysterious of the missing persons files in Quintana Roo. However, while I understand to some extent, I don’t think anyone can fully appreciate what your going through without being in your shoes, I don’t harbor the same opinion of Mexico, rather obviously, but you knew that already. If your interested, we would be willing to feature the story in a future blog, please feel free to e-mail me privately.

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