Danger's Blog, Cancun Casa,Living on Isla Time
In a Little Cafe on the Other Side of the Border, a Virtual Visitor's Blog on Cancun

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Sound the All Clear for Cancun, Hurricane Ida Heads Into Gulf of Mexico
Filed under: Cancun Casa Blog, Tropical Storm Ida
Posted by: Dangers @ 12:01 am

(Hurricane Ida Moves Past the Yucatan Peninsula; Courtesy of the NOAA)

 In one of those better safe than sorry episodes from Mother Nature, the Mexican Government sounded alerts up and down the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula for Hurricane Ida, the only issue was, the fickle lady hurricane failed to show up for the Hurricane Party. Hell, there was likely more hurricane action at Pat O’Briens and the Hard Rock Cafe mixing hurricanes than Lady Ida provided. Not that anyone should be complaining, in reality, hurricanes are obviously serious business and anyone who saw what Hurricane Wilma did to Cancun in October of 2005 is darn glad that the authorities are keeping a steady and safe approach to these situations.


(Photo By Cancun Casa)

 So, as it is, Hurricane Ida, now a category II hurricane kept to the fast track like a kayak shooting the rapids, heading past Cancun and the Riviera Maya at close to a 17 MPH clip before crossing the Yucatan Straits into the Yucatan Channel and heading off to the Gulf of Mexico where she’s preparing to be somebody elses major headache in a couple of days.

(Puerto Juarez and the Mexican Navy Prepare for Hurricane Ida; Courtesy of Diario de Yucatan)

(Hurricane Ida Storm Surge in Cancun: Courtesy of Por Esto)


 Weather reports out of Cancun International Airport indicate that as of 6:00 PM EST, the winds are calm, skies overcast with towering (now there’s a strange description from the NHC) cumulus clouds observed and temperatures around 77F (25C).

(Cancun Beaches Looking North to Punta Cancun;Courtesy of Por Esto)

 Regional newspaper Diario de Yucatan, is reporting in their online edition that the Mayor of Cancun is considering lifting the Civil Protection warnings for the City of Cancun at 8:00 PM Cancun time. Further reports from the press indicate that minimal damage has occurred in Cancun, primarily minor flooding in certain areas and a major hit to Cancun’s beaches, including the area recently under beach restoration. In Progreso, Yucatan, North of Cancun in the sister State of the Yucatan, reports indicate that beaches there have also taken a major blow from the storms surge. However, overall as of this time, it would appear that Cancun and the rest of the Mexican Caribbean has been spared the wrath of Hurricane Ida in a situation that could have been much worse had the original tracking projections from the major forecasters come to fruition late last week.

For now, sound the all clear for Cancun, Mexico and go ahead and enjoy those vacations, Cancun awaits.

( By Cancun Casa)

As an added note, we suggest you hyperlink on over to Cancun blogger extraordinaire CancunCanuck’s Blog and view some superb first hand photography and video, along with her commentary on Hurricane Ida, including some wonderful shots of the Cancun surf today under siege from the storm surge of Ida. A Canuck in Cancun

4 Responses to “Sound the All Clear for Cancun, Hurricane Ida Heads Into Gulf of Mexico”

  1. CancunCanuck Says:
    Great report Dangers. Thanks for the lovely words and the link!
  2. CancunTom Says:
    Danger, Great little place you’ve carved out here in cyberspace. Glad I found it and could pay you a visit. Maybe we will cross paths here in Cancun someday and have a cervesa. This is the 3rd pass we’ve gotten with the hurricanes since Wilma. All is good.
  3. Dangers Says:
    CC~ as always thanks, and we appreciate you dropping in! I’m not sure folks understand the size and complexity in the immense task being undertaken on the Cancun Beaches by local officials, the contractor(s) and of course, on the wallets of the folks living and working everyday in Cancun. ;-)
  4. Dangers Says:
    Cancun Tom~ great to see you stopping by, I’ve been enjoying your blog immensely and look forward to further reading. I’ve been filing away in my mind quite a few of those tips on living in Cancun, hopefully for future use. ;-)

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