Danger's Blog, Cancun Casa,Living on Isla Time
In a Little Cafe on the Other Side of the Border, a Virtual Visitor's Blog on Cancun

February 2009
    Mar »
Blog Submissions, Link Requests, and Recommendations
Filed under: Cancun Casa Blog
Posted by: Dangers @ 5:49 pm

This one’s devoted to multiple general Blog Keeping so to speak as it relates to this blog and other requests. Please be assured we look at all requests though we may not immediately respond and that despite the occasional ramblings of our owner, we are primarily a blog dedicated to the greater Cancun, Mexico visitor and travel scene though we will certainly be unapologetic for any drifts and curves we take upon the road less traveled. It has occurred to us that we should establish some early ground rules for what we’re interested in, what we’ll allow and whom we’ll affiliate with.

Blog Submissions:
 This blog will consider all blog related submissions to be linked at this board provided they are reciprocal and the related submissions are at a minimum related to the subject matter, primarily Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Secondarily, but considered, the Maya, Mexico, Travel Related and Topical to the major news events of the day. All other requests will be reviewed based on subject matter.

Link Requests:
 This blog will consider link requests for travel related links to Mexico with the exception of blatant advertising, mass link generation, the obscene, the illegal and endorsements for products or services not previously experienced that don’t meet the owner’s personal recommendation and/ or requirements. Where deemed feasible, this blog will expect and request reciprocal board links.

 All recommendations will be reviewed for actual verifiable, factual reliability at the discretion of the blog and handled on an individual basis. Person or persons submitting information, news, events, requesting guest blogging or providing original content will agree that all rights have been granted to current and future use of the information to the owner(s) of this blog without relinquishing the shared rights of the original content where applicable. The identity of the person(s) submitting information to the blog will be kept private upon request but within the legal dictates of prevailing laws.

 The data here, considered original in content, is subject to copyright, reproduction of the original content is subject to and authorization of the blog owner(s). Reproduction is granted provided the sourcing is properly credited and reciprocal cross linking via hyperlink is made available, where available. In the case that any material is found to be privately owned and reproduced on this blog outside of free domain sources, it will be removed upon request.

 Must be appropriate to topic as stated above and is subject to approval.

 We reserve the right to refuse any and all submissions, links, content and advertising for any reason. 

Bottom Line:
 If you have a Mexican Caribbean or applicable travel related blog, website, forum, information or product, we would enjoy seeing it, be willing to review it, potentially link it and possibly write about it after checking it out provided it meets our requirements and is not primarily mass produced content, spam, or a general waste of our time, and we reserve the right to refuse any and all content submitted but will maintain privacy where deemed appropriate.

Thanks for your patience with our blog keeping and we hope you’ll continue following Danger’s Blog.